Killboard And Albion Online PVP

According to the Killboard, it’s emphasise on that everything related to PVP in the manner of a Herald on Dark Age of Camelot as well as zKillboard Eve Online. Cheap albion online gold for sale, do you want to buy?


Killboard 04Leader
The Leaderboard includes rankings of the best players & PvP guilds.

Killboard 05Comparaison
Here you can compare your guild up to 4 other guilds to see the differences between the basic information, the overall statistics in PvP and guild by five players.

PvP Kills
Albion Online – Killboard
In this section are highlighted Top PvP Kills or eliminations that reported the most fame and the recent kills in chronological order. The detail of a Kill provides access to all information of the players concerned. If you missed cheap albion silver, you would be disappointment.

Killboard 02Battles
The battles tab contains the history of battles between guilds, classified according to the total of Fame. The details can see where the battle took place, duration and details of the participants.

GvG matches
Killboard 03GvGmatches
This is where you can analyze all the Guild versus Guild that have occurred or are planned. In addition to the details of each game, you can watch the different compositions team. In accordance to some gamers, they said: We are very happy to get cheapest albion online silver.